The Avengers: A Philosophical Primer
****Minor spoiler alert******* Please read after you see the film. Peace!
What is your reason to be?
I am mostly content with life but wonder why we all exist in order to be forgotten. Whether you believe in one, none, or many, all deities never need humans to worship them. The Avengers movie by Joss Whedon explores this "herogory" very well (and yeah, I'm makin' up words, just like my writer idol!) Of all the über beings in the film, only Loki (chaos demigod) craves worship. I mean, why encourage fealty from frailty by beings that will die and then will continue slavish worship in the afterlife? This is neither purposeful nor beneficial devotion nor does it bode well for god and human relations in the mythical HR department (Heaven Relations.)
Our sun will die and obliterate all mortals in billions from now. How many creatures will study us? Will future beings remember our foibles and achievements? Perhaps our ancestors will discover the wormhole for space travel? Or, does God select the nonbelievers for eternity to enlighten an impossible existence?