Birthday $$$
At 42, saving money gets scary but peace is found in knowing most stuff is not necessary. Did you know that (with inflation) having $1.5 million (or more) from age 55+ is not outrageous? Sadly, we're trading debt for security because we want short-term comfort rather than long-term savings.
Am living on less than $130 for the remaining month because rest is spent, in savings, or investments (to build up six-eight month emergency fund a la Suze Orman). Also, with very special thanks to whomever created this animation from Babe since this sums it up!
Do yourselves a favor and leave your credit cards in a safe place besides your wallets! For more frugal inspiration, please visit Budgeting in the Fun Stuff.
Am living on less than $130 for the remaining month because rest is spent, in savings, or investments (to build up six-eight month emergency fund a la Suze Orman). Also, with very special thanks to whomever created this animation from Babe since this sums it up!
Do yourselves a favor and leave your credit cards in a safe place besides your wallets! For more frugal inspiration, please visit Budgeting in the Fun Stuff.