Beyond Hype

The newly-redesigned Hyatt Regency (formerly, Hyatt on Town Lake) in Austin, TX. In person, those planters (and the plants) look like Gauthier-inspired props from The Fifth Element. Very futuristic.

♥ all friends' names have been changed to Buffyverse characters to protect their privacy 

Please forgive me in advance but this post is going to sound like an infomercial but I promise that these are personal tales and/or anecdotes from friends and family.

Last night, we went to dinner with friends for fajitas at the Hyatt and our dear friend, Willow,♥  has been healthily losing weight for the past year with help from a licensed nutritionist.

During our conversation, we learn that Willow's nutritionist advises her clients NEVER to drink low-sugar or no-sugar sodas since they cause hunger cravings. Wow. For as long as I can remember, I have noticed this EVERY time I drink diet sodas (any brand) or even before, after, or during any meal. Glad to feel some vindication from a reputable source that this happens although I have yet to find out why even from a few Google searches. I'd love to hear your comments and thoughts!

About two years ago, I gave up regular (sugary) sodas cold-turkey after talking to Xander who said he lost 10 pounds within only a few months from giving them up for good. He was right! I saw the same results within three months. I even notice that I rarely want diet sodas except maybe at office parties or at a friend's house when there's nothing else to drink except water.

This morning, I'm surfing around the Better Homes and Gardens magazine app and find a link to a 30-minute video that talks about the Five Foods to NEVER Eat. Turns out, it's a 30-minutes sales pitch for Beyond Diet but, most important, the advice they give is sound. I promise! Here's the video and a recap below:

To recap from the 30-minute video, the five foods to NEVER eat are:
  • orange juice
  • margarine
  • artificial sweeteners
  • wheat bread
  • soy 
Here's why you want to ALWAYS avoid these items:

1. Sugar (raises insulin levels and then, as insulin levels come down, our bodies will store excess fat) --> orange juice is sugar water
2. Processed foods (our bodies don't handle processed foods very well) -->this also includes all the shit we're told is healthy like margarine, wheat bread, artificial sweeteners, soy, granola bars and yogurt (see #3)
3. Read the labels (if you have to pronounce it, then never eat it)--> eat foods with one ingredient

Sidenote (personal anecdote about margarine): In 1989, when many folks were jumping on the margarine-is-healthier bandwagon, our high-school science teacher, Señor Giles, told us right before our Spanish class began that he had read an article in a scientific journal that reported it's actually better to eat butter and exercise than to eat margarine or artificial butter due to the way the body processes margarine.

If you're trying to find healthy ways to eat and to lose weight, please consider signing up for the Beyond Diet  site. After watching their video, it will cost $47 lifetime; and, they will also try to sell you some optional add-on books and videos ($97 lifetime or up depending on what you buy). You will have 60 days to cancel for a full refund. I'm trying it for us at home and hope that it will give us some ideas on how to eat more healthy since neither of us likes to cook but we love to eat!

Even if you don't need to lose any weight, the Beyond Diet site contains informational ways to eat healthy and it will help you to identify your body type as well as the ideal calorie intake based on your activity level. I have several friends and family members who have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes and this will help everyone who is trying to lose weight in a sensible way without cleanse gimmicks or other hurtful nonsense.

If this site is too sales pitchy, then consider reading Transcend by scientist and futurist, Ray Kurzweil and co-author, Terry Grossman, MD. I hope to write about this book when I have a chance to read more! The premise is that we can all live FOREVER...yes, forever; but, we've got to get a handle on this whole dying cells nonsense!

AND, while you're at it, take the Kurzweil/Grossman survey. This is also NOT mumbo-jumbo by snake-oil salesmen but a chance to find out ways to improve your current health.

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